Day 51 – TV, Film and Jacuzzi’s

June 22, 2013
0 miles

Waiting for laundry and ESPN to say anything of interest

Waiting for laundry and ESPN to say anything of interest

Slack, our culinary whiz, whipped up a communal breakfast. Fast broken. Dessert was ice cream, the familiar through-hiker staple. This was followed by the couch and TV’s half-hearted attempts at entertainment. Until the locks were removed from the true draw a Jacuzzi soak. And so the morning became the afternoon.

One block away, within range of walking on a true zero day, lay a cinema. World War Z was playing at a matinee. Zombie movies have zero appeal but the Washington Post convinced me to give it a try. Sat down in the dark and relaxed for about two minutes of credits. Remember my speed of life has been 3 mph for some time now. There’s the rock, here it comes, there it goes. Suddenly here comes Hollywood at 103 mph. Crash, bang, whoa! And hold on. It was a fun ride but exhausting. And the film had some giant plot holes, but with suspension of disbelief, I was extremely entertained.

Stumbled back home a bit stunned. Returned to the race against correspondence, until I learned that cuddles, a PCT hiker, was giving one of his cello concerts a block away. Cuddles is giving a series of 25 cello performances with his 298 year old Cello, along the PCT as he makes his way to Canada. His talent is well known among hikers and I had been hoping to catch one of his concerts. Back off the couch, back on my feet, and into a nostalgic church pew.

As the music poured over me I realized that cello music arrived at just the right speed. That composers knew a hell of a lot more about the PCT than Hollywood Ever wood. Still Hollywood is trying. A movie about the PCT starring Reese Witherspoon is in production as I write. Agreement is universal that popularizing the PCT will overwhelm its resources, but such is the American Way. A number of through-hikers were in attendance and a group of them had heard about our sugar shack. They were interested in taking over our lease when we departed. When the applause died down they accompanied us back home.

What else but a party ensued. Low key and relaxed, the night passed with wine, music and what else, ice cream. The day and party ended at the same hour. Residents that last night, Red Beard, Slack, Orbit, Katie, Otter and Guino, who is probably the most colorful character on the trail in 2013.



As the others slumbered I caught up on my writing until unconsciousness and satisfaction collided.

Steve Halteman
On the Pacific Crest Trail
Hiking the PCT for the Kids of Escuela Verde

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7 thoughts on “Day 51 – TV, Film and Jacuzzi’s

  1. Pat King

    E mailed Fumiko a Happy Birthday. She andNa are coming to Brians on the 13th/ Adults are doing a benefit for Cancer that nite. Blake and Miko are going to Bill’s for fireworks with Billy and Chase. On Sunday we have a picnic at Lisas and I will make a cake for Miko’s birthday
    Wish you could be with us. I wish I could view the beauty you are experiencing and it makes me sad to think it is too late. ps where is the donkey?

    E mailed Fumiko a Happy Birthday

  2. Mother Myrna

    Happy fourth didn’t recognize you with the beard gave me pain to see grey in your beard… America gathers for the BC parade tomorrow where is my family one walking to Canada, one traveling to Tahoe to bring him a care package’ one backpacking around South America and one returning to the real world , WORK..
    Following your journey still concerned about Doc tell Orbit no more face piercing tattoos ok. If Steve is mean to you it is because he has years of practice causing his 3 sisters mental and physical pain. God bless Mom

  3. Jeff Wrinkle

    I have been following your blog since the beginning of your PCT adventure.
    Really enjoy your writing style.
    I grew up in Lancaster which is not far from Mojave. I now live in South Texas near San Antonio.
    I am following the blogs of several other 2013 PCT hikers including Red Beard. A PCT hiking couple named “Brakeman and Grasshopper” have made it Seiad Valley. They are reporting large areas of trail covered in snow. They are also reporting that Oregon and Washington received 140% and 160% respectively of expected snowfall this past winter.

    1. Steve halteman

      Landcaster the big city. Home of Gemco and pick and save. That was back in the day. Very pleased to hear you’re enjoying my blog. As to the snow I don’t think it’s much of a concern because by the time we get there most should’ve melted. If not then it’s time for some post-holing. Take care of yourself Jeff And thanks for writing.

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