Day 64 – Thank you Mike & Jen

July 5, 2013
10 miles today
Mile 1102 total

Up to tea and scones. Mike to his bike ride and Jen to teach a gym class. What trust to leave three people, known less than 24 hours, alone in your house. We did our best to honor that trust and then back to the brothel. Our appreciation once again to Mike and Jen. Met Doc at Safeway. He looked refreshed and none the worse for wear. There too we ran into Otter. If you’re going to have chance encounters with PCT through hikers, ground zero is the town supermarket.

We abused Tashi’s hospitality one last time by having her lug us back up the mountain to Echo Lake for a reunion with the PCT. There we joined the usual group of through hikers in front of the store going through the 12 steps of reorganization. Viking was there, obviously preparing for the end of times by packing 10 days worth of food. One last orange sherbet, a fine representative of civilization, and back to it.

The trail kept to the touch of Echo Lake for 2 miles. Though crowded, I appreciated its tendency to stay level. The lake itself was lined with quaint cabins. Judging from the architectural detail I would surmise that quaint came with an agonizing price tag. The path pushed on towards Aloha Lake, and the crowds dissipated. I was in front of Doc, Slack and Orbit. I rounded a bend and came upon them swimming. Wrong turn somewhere. Tried my hand at impromptu poetry at the break. Good for a laugh but not much else.

Aloha Lake

Aloha Lake

Aloha Lake was populated by hundreds of mini islands, I fantasized about hauling a kayak up to conduct a proper survey, explorer style. Filed to future plans. And then a turn to Susie’s Lake where we set up a restful, windy home far from the holiday crowds of South Lake Tahoe. A collective exhale.
The hotel at Susie Lake

The hotel at Susie Lake

And then Orbit’s surprise, Jiffy Pop popcorn. Everyone back to 10 years old as we watched in wonder as the aluminum foil expanded into it a balloon over the coals. Simple joys are usually the best.

A helicopter flying erratically and circling overhead capped the night. At one point we actually thought it was going to crash, so bizarre were its flying patterns. But luckily not. Show over, as well as the day, it was to bed with the wind.

Steve Halteman
On the Pacific Crest Trail
Hiking the PCT for the Kids of Escuela Verde

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2 thoughts on “Day 64 – Thank you Mike & Jen

  1. Roxanne

    So proud of you Steve – you always were a traveler! I would like to visit that school some time. . .

    1. Steve halteman

      You are formally invited. And thanks for dropping a note. How is life in BC? next time I’m in town you can buy me a beer I think you still owe me from that party in 82.

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