Carpenter Zuckerman and Rowley

Carpenter Zuckerman and Rowley (CZR) 310 273 1230 are a group of unorthodox trial lawyers located in Los Angeles, CA. They also happen to be a pretty cool group of people to hang out with. I’ve had the opportunity to watch them in action and this is what i came away with. The CZR lawyers just seem to work harder and care more than other lawyers I’ve been around. They seem to want to go to trial for their clients rather than most lawyers I’ve observed who want to avoid the stresses of trial at all costs. And they don’t take themselves too seriously. Their other tendency is winning their cases. Give them a ring if you have any legal questions.

Why am I talking about CZR on a blog dedicated to stories and the PCT? Well when they heard what i was up to they offered to help. So for every mile I walk toward Canada CZR will make a generous donation to Escuela Verde. Not something they have to do, just shows the kind of people they are. My hat off to them.

Steve Halteman
San Diego, California
Hiking the PCT for the Kids of Escuela Verde

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